Master Liveaboards goes to Bikini

In 2018, Master Liveaboards are pleased to add Bikini Atoll to the list of its exciting destinations. Pacific Master will run special itineraries from May to September. 

Aircraft guns USS Saratoga- credit: Robert Wilpernig
Aircraft guns USS Saratoga- credit: Robert Wilpernig

The stories behind

After the Second World War, the USA collected a ‘mock’ naval fleet for the purpose of testing the impact of different atomic bombs on a large fleet.

The task force chose Bikini Atoll as one of the designated testing areas within the Marshall Islands. Between 1946 and 1958, they conducted not less than 23 atomic bombs at Bikini Atoll, which resulted in a unique selection of shipwrecks from the US, Germany and Japan consisting of war battleships, cruisers, and an aircraft carrier.

Diver hovering above hold - credit: Robert Wilpernig
Diver hovering above hold – credit: Robert Wilpernig

The nuclear fleet

More than 60 years later, the shipwrecks remain equally as impressive while they have become home to many kinds of corals and fish species.

As a result, Bikini Atoll has become the ultimate wreck diving for the true fans! This exclusive and unparalleled diving destination is undisputedly ranked first on any serious wreck & technical divers’ bucket list. This is well justified; nowhere else on earth you will be able to dive into such a unique collection of historic battleships, cruisers, as well as the world famous USS Saratoga aircraft carrier with its 270m (888ft.) flight deck. For this reason, Bikini Atoll became the first UNESCO World Heritage site for the Marshall Islands archipelago in 2010.

Sinks on board the USS Saratoga – credit: Robert Wilpernig

New destination and Master Liveaboards goes to Bikini

Master Liveaboards will run this destination onboard Pacific Master from May to September. Exclusivity guaranteed; we offer a choice of 10, 11, and 13 night trips to maximum 16 guests per cruise. The boat has a dedicated camera set-up and charging station with plenty of additional storage for all your extra lenses, strobes and batteries.

You will find communal relaxation areas on the lower and upper decks. There is a spacious indoor dining area, a lounge bar with comfortable bench seating and plasma screen. Outside we have a shaded outdoor seating area and a sun deck.

Tech divers will find on board all the latest technical diving facilities and equipment to explore those ultimate wrecks at leisure:

  • Deco bar for stage/deco stops under M/V Pacific Master
  • Booster pump for gas blending & rebreather tank fills
  • Manifold twin-tanks (DIN & Intl. available)
  • Sofno lime for rebreathers – Dependent on Use
  • Rebreather tanks
  • 12l Deco stage tanks (band, sling & clips) – 40cuft/80cuft stage/bailout cylinders
  • Oxygen
  • Helium

Most wrecks in Bikini Atoll are located beyond recreational diving maximum depths; therefore technical diving skills and wreck experience are required.

Contact us for further information and book your space in this exclusive, yet incredible, wreck diving destination!



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