Six Facts You Probably didn’t know about sea turtles

Sea turtles - six facts you probably didn't know

Apart from being loved by scuba divers and being photogenic, here are 6 facts you probably don’t know about sea turtles. 1. Sea turtles have been around for a very long time Sea turtles are very old beings. They have been living on Earth for more than 220 million years. They managed to survive weather […]

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from Master Liveaboards

First of all let us wish you a happy Easter and we hope that your egg hunt will be fruitful! While we all tend to think about chocolatey egg shaped treats at this time of year, what better opportunity is there to talk about our underwater friends and their own particular eggy behaviour. As some […]

Shark Teeth

Shark teeth

Sharks are some of the most amazing and precious creatures on our planet. With close to 500 species, almost all of them have extraordinary biology. Shark teeth are as extraordinary! One of their better known traits is that they constantly grow and lose their teeth during their lifespans. But how much do you actually know […]

Diving with sharks in the Bahamas

Diving with Sharks in the Bahamas

In Africa, you have the Big Five Game Animals. When you hit the savannah, these are the big boys you want to tick off and experience close up. As divers, of course, we have our own Big Five. Everyone’s big five are different but for Master Liveaboards, in the Caribbean at least, they are all […]

How to Photograph Pygmy Seahorses

Philippines liveaboard diving - Southern Visayas 6 nights

Here are a few tips how to best photograph pygmy seahorses. Pygmy seahorses are very charismatic and photogenic. But their tiny size makes them both challenging and delicate subjects. Camera The preferred setup for shooting pygmies with a DSLR is the 60mm or 100/105mm macro lens that can achieve 1:1 magnification. If you don’t add […]

Are Fishes Cleverer Than We Think?

Wrasse in a tunnel in the Solomons

Tool-oriented behaviour shows how an animal understands the relationship between  the method and the results as well as the purpose of an object. Until not so long ago, we thought it was a human trait, but fishes are proving to us that they are a lot more cleverer than we think. By tool use. we […]

Six Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Dolphins

Dolphin pod

Everyone knows dolphins, right? Then you will be surprised by these six facts you didn’t know about dolphins. Bob meet John Each dolphin has his own name! To be more exact, each dolphin has his own whistle that is unique to each individual. Dolphins use them to communicate with one another and to identify each […]

The Red Lipped Batfish of the Galapagos

Red Lipped Batfish by Daniel Norwood

When you think of batfish, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For us it’s the groups of cute, plate sized, fish that join us on safety stops. Though it nominally shares a name, the Red Lipped Batfish is a very different beast. The first thing you notice about the red lipped batfish is that […]