Pack for a Purpose in the Solomons

Responsible Tourism
The Guadalcanal campaign and Solomons Wrecks

Know the history of the Solomons wrecks
The History Behind The Russell Islands During WWII

The Russell Islands may be two small islands in central Solomons, but what they lose in size, they certainly make up for with their fascinating history. Pavuvu and Mbanika became world-famous during World War II. In 1943, the direction of the war completely changed, in favour of the Allied Forces. Many long, hard battles, such […]
White Beach in the Solomons

White Beach is a spectacular dive site in the Solomons. It will certainly be one of the highlights of your trip as it was for Shaz Kozak. After a long journey, from points all around the world, we have finally landed in Solomon Islands. There are 16 of us on board and we are tired […]
Diving Into The Coral Triangle

If I ask you, what are the lungs of the earth? You will say the Amazon, right? But have you ever wondered what the lungs of the seas are? Well, if we consider the coral reefs as the forests of the seas, then the Coral Triangle will be the lungs! This area of roughly 6 […]
The recompression chamber in Honiara

Update December 2022: Since this article was published, the chamber in Honiara has been damaged beyond repair. While efforts are being made to source and fund a replacement chamber, the nearest recompression chamber for treating suspected DCI cases is in Brisbane, Australia. “You Bend ‘Em, We Mend ‘Em” A common question from guests on any […]
Fun facts from the Solomons

We had fun digging out some lesser-known facts from the Solomons. Firstly, it’s not a country we hear a lot about! more importantly though, as divers, we love learning about our next dive destination. Watopia or Solomon Islands? For any of you that spent the winter months and/or lock down on your bike trainer Zwifting, […]
Best Dive Sites In Solomon Islands

Remote and truly beautiful, Solomon Islands is a diver’s dream destination. Part of the Coral Triangle, with a staggering diversity of marine species, coral, and dive sites, it somehow remains one of the least dived areas of the world. As the country is relatively new to tourism, The Solomons are often called ‘the South Pacific […]
Solomon Islands Diving. What you need to know.

If you’re reading this then you’ve probably been to a number of memorable diving destinations already. You’ve probably also ticked off a few of your bucket list dive spots. But as we all know, the bucket list keeps growing. There will always be that one spot that you need to see that hasn’t hit the […]
Why The Solomons Should Be Your Next Destination

You have probably already been to a number of memorable diving destinations. You have probably been to a few ‘must see’ dive spots. But are you still looking for that one special spot? One of the last few places on earth that have been spared the ravages of fishing or global tourism? This is why […]